Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised


Dark Matter-Dark Energy is believed to be a POSITIVE force of repulsion (author). Its composition is not known. Science has not determined the reason for it to exist. Dark Matter-Dark Energy – only recently has the existence of Dark Matter- Dark Energy over much larger scale than even galaxy clusters been confirmed.18 That information was discovered in 1995. Since then, due to recent advances in scientific cosmological science, it has been found that different types of Dark energy and Dark matter within our universe can not be observed. Although unseen Dark energy, Dark matter is very important to our universe, only 5% of energy and matter is ordinary and can be seen, 27% of the matter is dark matter and is unseen and 68%of the energy is dark energy and is unseen. Referenced from; Wikipedia, subject; Dark matter, April 15th.2021 at 15:20 (UTC). There is more Dark Matter-Dark Energy in the universe than anything,19 It is believed by the author of this hypothesis Dark Matter-Dark Energy work in conjunction with gravity as a positive force of repulsion against objects of mass – counterbalancing the negative attraction that gravity has on mass. Perhaps the overall reason that Dark Matter-Dark Energy exists is because it acts as an invisible positive force of anti-gravitational control to maintain an even distribution balance of bodies of mass throughout the universe so they will not bunch together. Without Dark Matter-Dark Energy, our universe as we know it could not exist. Our universe would consist of only one huge planet. There would be no more Big Bangs or infinite life. Normally we think of outer space as unlimited light years of nothing but great distances between stars and planets having only cold, darkness, vacuum, and occasionally pieces of debris from exploding stars.19A The universe is beyond awesomely huge. Actually outer space is the perfect size to do what it was designed to do – provide for, sustain and renew life. The distance, space, and time balance ratio of uninterrupted light and empty space must remain constant for the continuous formulation of life. The universe must be large enough to accommodate the great distances that speeding light photons need to complete total curvature, (circle). It is believed by this author that gravity and Dark Matter/ Dark Energy working together are important for sustaining life; Gravity for the negative attraction and dark matter / dark energy for the positive force.

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Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised
2003 - 2024 Goffrey V. Wolfe