Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised


Light has been studied by leading scientists since Newton’s investigation of it in 1672. Light usually refers to visible light.31A Light comes atoms in the form of discrete energy packets called Photons.31C It is responsible for the sensation of our sight.31A It is a part of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by our eyes.31A, 31B Light from ordinary sources (fire) is emitted by atoms.36A Light acts like both a fundamental particle and an electromagnetic wave.33 They are Gauge bosons, force carriers using discrete bundles of energy (quanta) from photons. See reference 31c, from Wikipedia; subject: Gauge boson, dated 22 January 2020 at 14:07 (UTC), also,(see page 30 and 39). The quantum theory based on Max Planck’s radiation law is discrete amount of energy is released by an oscillating Atom as a photon or quantum. The atom itself does not oscillate. Being a part of the electromagnetic force (bosons), frequency of the photon’s mediating subatomic particles are the oscillating measurements. Author, also see Wikipedia, subject; Atom, dated February 19, 2022, at 10:27 (UTC). The energy of the quantum is equal to the product of the frequency of the radiation.34 Further hypothesized, Intense mediating between discrete bundles or “quanta” of subatomic particles creating the electromagnetic force (bosons) to propel light photons. For more information see https://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/july-2013/force-carriers. In 1905 Albert Einstein explained how the photoelectric effect works for the transmission of light by using the discrete energy packets or quanta.35 Light is still not fully understood.32

Light travels in a straight line. Gravity causes light to curve.38 In the known universe light travels a speed of 186,000 miles per second.36

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Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised
2003 - 2024 Goffrey V. Wolfe