Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised


Before 1905, little was known about creation of the universe. That was the year Albert Einstein put forth the Theory of Relativity, refining it even more in 1915. The two theories opened the door helping to understanding our creation, eventually helped to keep the world overall at peace and saved lives with advances in medicine and technology. The theories have a profound and momentous influence on astrophysics and cosmology guiding our future today. According to theories based on his mathematical principles of general relativity, a ray of light sent from an arbitrary point in space will curve according to the gravitational field through which it is passing. From his field equations of general relativity, under geodesics law, Einstein asserted that all free particles would follow geodesics in curved space-time, that space-time is curved and it is the matter in it that does it, that it is intrinsic without reference to embedding space, and that it would lead to a large curvature where matter is dense and to near-flatness where matter is sparse. 38 Einstein positively and firmly made that declaration. In this hypothesis it is believed the free particles are the remnants from previous “Big Bangs”. It is those free particles that provide gravitational mass for light curvature and continuing “Big Bangs”. (see “LIFE RENEWAL”), also see Light from preceding page. In 1919 he was able to show this geodesic law actually “worked” when having put the equations together and used them to test measurements of light curvature in gravitational fields of planets within our sun’s field of gravity.39 Thus, if a light photon left a point on a journey and traveled into space along a straight line it may eventually return back to its starting point, (see “LIFE RENEWAL”, PAGES 30 – 32).

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Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised
2003 - 2024 Goffrey V. Wolfe